Frequently Asked Questions
What is Wicca?
What is Witchcraft?
What is a Witch?
What is Paganism?
What is Neopaganism?
Do Witches worship Satan?
What is Voodoo?
What does a ritual involve?
What is the Threefold Law?
What is the Wiccan Rede?
What is magick?
What is a Spell?
Do magick spells work?
Will you (Cauldron Kitty Staff) do the spell for me?
When is it appropriate for another person to do a spell for me?
Can a beginner perform an effective spell?
Can I use substitutions?
What does scribing or carving a candle mean?
What does 'dressing' or 'fixing' a candle mean?
How do I anoint my candle?
Which product works best?
Does one need to be a witch to do magick?
How long does it take for a spell to work?
Why did my spell not have the outcome I wanted?
Can a person become addicted to doing Love spells?
What does the pentagram symbol mean?
Is it bad to get a Tarot reading or do a spell?
What is Voodoo?
What is Wicca?
Wicca is a religion and way of life based upon the pagan reconstruction of Pre-Christian religions from Europe. Gerald Gardner is credited for its revival in the early 1950s in England. Often referred to as The Old Religion or The Craft of the Wise, modern Wiccans differ on whether it is a modern reconstruction, survival of the Old Religion, or a totally new religion. Followers venerate nature and worship Divinity in the form of God and Goddess. There are eight seasonal rites that are celebrated, as well as full moons and sometimes new moons. There are many different traditions within Wicca, too many to list specifically. Wiccan cultural traditions include Celtic, Norse, Germanic, Greek, Egyptian, Roman, Italian, Polish and Hungarian. Wiccans typically go through training & study Wicca, often a period of a year and a day. If they choose, they can experience an initiation ritual when they complete their initial studies. Let me point out that not all pagans are Wiccan, and Wicca need not be the only path of choice for a witch.
What is Witchcraft?
The practice of magick which includes observing the phases of the moon and Paganism, herbalism, working with earth energy & seasons, healing, ritual, divination, contact with spirits.
What is a Witch?
In ancient times witches were shamans, sorcerers and healers, with a knowledge of the medicinal properties of plants. Today, a witch is a person who practices either solitary or in a group, some form of magick, and or paganism. Some don't hold specific spiritual or religious beliefs and practices, and some do. Most believe in reincarnation. Nature, and moon phases play a large role in their beliefs and practices. Seasonal rites are commonly acknowledged. What I really love about being a modern witch is that it is OK to take elements of many spiritual, folk and pagan beliefs and practices, to create my own unique slant on the Craft.
What is Paganism?
Pre-Christian beliefs and worship of many Gods, or polytheism.
Wicca is one Pagan religion, as are Asatru (Norse Paganism), Druidism, Shamanism, and ancient Egyptian, Roman, Greek and other religions.
What is Neopaganism?
Refers to a group of many religious belief systems that are reconstructions of ancient Pagan religions or 'new' paganism.
Neopagans enjoy the freedom of taking elements of many spiritual, folk and pagan beliefs and practices, to create their own unique path.
Do Witches worship Satan?
No. Wicca and Satanism are not similar religions. However, the Christian church did link them in the past, particularly during the Witch burning times of the late Middle Ages and Renaissance. They regarded Witches as Satan worshipers. Wicca and Satanism continue to be linked in many people's minds. This problem is rapidly fading as more Wiccans come out of the closet and become public with their faith.
What is Voodoo?
It is an animistic folk tradition brought to the U.S. during the slave trading days. The basis of the religion came from Africa. It Voodoo is a West African word meaning 'spirit'; the original word was vodun. Voodoo is a religion, with one God, a pantheon of Spirit Forces called Loa or Orisha, similar to the Catholic Saints, with certain rituals & steps of initiation which must be adhered to. Hoodoo is basically a collection of Cajun magick & folklore without a theology attached to it. Many Voodoo practitioners, especially in the Louisiana area, do incorporate elements of Hoodoo into their practice which is simply a testament to the very adaptive nature which has kept the religion of Voodoo alive in the New World. Voodoo in Africa and Haiti has maintained much of its original structure and orthodoxy, whereas Voodoo in New Orleans is more of a folk religion composed of European, indigenous American, and, most especially, African cultural elements. New Orleans Voodoo is associated with memorable personalities such as Dr. John and Marie Laveau who were responsible for maintaining the African spiritual presence in an environment which was almost always hostile to it. The Lwa are Haitian Vodou spiritual beings and the Orisha are African Vodun spiritual beings.
What does a ritual involve?
Pagan rituals take many forms. But they all generally include:
The consecration of a sacred space, whether by casting a circle, opening of gates (spiritually), it varies depending on the tradition.
The invocation of deity, ancestors and or nature elements. Possibly chanting or singing. Then the body of the ritual, which will vary depending on the season and tradition, but may involve offerings, magick, spell casting, dancing, or veneration.Then closing of the sacred space usually followed by a community meal and socializing.
What is the Threefold Law?
The Threefold Law takes the notion that "what we reap, we will sow". For what we do "for good or for ill, shall be returned to us threefold." This is generally a Wiccan concept.
What is the Wiccan Rede?
A Wiccan code of ethics ending with this well-known phrase "An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will". The full version can be found on the internet.
What is magick?
The art and metaphysical science of manifesting your desired goal through the use of your will and physical items that embody spiritual energies compatible with your goal. And for some, this includes the bidding of spirits and deities to help. One of my teachers says it is a form of communication, and this make much sense. Opinions do vary on this topic.
What is a Spell?
This is the formula and incorporation of the items, such as candles, incense, baths, sigils, etc., to get your result.
Do magick spells work?
Of course they do! Why would you think otherwise? Just because you can't see something with your physical eyes does not mean it doesn't exist or have an effect. There absolutely are other realms and planes of existence, whether you acknowledge it, or not. With all the information out there on the proof of the power of thought in a quantum sense, it can be look on as scientific. Thoughts have a measurable force of energy. From a more spiritual point, have you ever prayed and gotten results? From an animistic point of view, all of nature including inanimate objects contain a spiritual essence that can be incorporated into your spell to get your desired outcome. You can also use symbols and sigils written or scribed into the objects to imbue them with that symbols power. And the offering and invoking the help or involvement of deity and spirits, or Theurgy, can help greatly. I always add this element to any spell I cast.
Will you (Best Spell Magick) the spell for me?
No. The whole point of creating our web store was and is to help people achieve self-empowerment, experience & knowledge. You are capable of doing them quite effectively yourself. You are the best person to perform them because you have the most emotional investment in the situation calling for the spell in the first place. You can use that emotion to raise a powerful focused force. We can explain to you in detail how to do it from beginning to end when you are purchasing our products. Don't worry, you really can do it. Our spells kits are our best sellers and ideal for beginners.
When is it appropriate for another person to do a spell for me?
Only if you are too sick or distraught, and only with your knowledge and permission. And if you have a trusted experienced friend, group or coven, a teacher in The Craft, a high priest/priestess, santero, or some other elder with your best interest at heart. IMPORTANT: I have had too many customers come to my store after they have been to some unethical individual, usually online and often never actually meeting them in person that claimed they would do a spell for them, charging them hundreds or even thousands of dollars, usually always requiring more money for ongoing workings. Even if it did work you can still be taken advantage of. If you must have a stranger do it for you, please check the person out thoroughly, get unbiased references, and ask about their qualifications, training and background. If they are offended by the request, that should be your sign to go elsewhere. If they tell you that you are cursed or hexed and want lots of money to take it off you, don't be frightened. I have found this is rarely the case. Go and get a second and third opinion elsewhere, from an ethical witch or psychic reader. Or you could get '”Uncrossing” spell or products from our online store, or get a Tarot reading to reveal the situation and some products to correct it, at your budget. There is never a charge for instruction and guidance on how to do your spell.
Can a beginner perform an effective spell?
Yes, when it is explained and you do it according to the instructions, and you truly want the result. You must be willing to be 100% honest with yourself.
Can I use substitutions?
For the herbs and other items, yes, sometimes, but it depends. But there are many ways to get a result, so you need not be married to one exact love spell. There are many variations.
What does scribing or carving a candle mean?
That is writing or carving in the surface of the candle, whether spelling out words or creating a hole to implant an item inside. Some use their ritual knife 'athame' or you can use a pin.
What does 'dressed' or 'fixed' a candle mean?
That means oils, herbs, crystals and/or other substances have already been added and it is just about ready to light. You need to focus specifically on your desired outcome as you light it. Refer to our How To Do A Spell instruction page.
How do I anoint my candle?
With the appropriate oil, apply inward, top down to center and bottom up to center to draw something to you, and outward, bottom straight up to the top to expel or banish.
Which product works best?
That depends on you. One item is not more powerful than the other, it is how you use them. Products are but the tools or vehicle, you must drive the spell toward your desired outcome.
Does one need to be a witch to do magick?
No. But you should have an open mind, a true desire for the outcome and faith & belief in the result. This is an important state of mind to be in while performing the spell.
How long does it take for a spell to work?
It varies. Sometimes you will get results very quickly, while other times you may need to do a few spells over time to get the desired result. Generally, I let my spells fully develop over a full moon cycle before performing the same type of spell again. But you could do another kind of spell that is compatible with your goal. For example, if you want to attract a new love, you could do a love drawing spell during the waxing (increasing phase) moon phase, and a spell to release or banish any blocks, fears or issues that may be hindering attracting a new love during the waning (decreasing phase) moon phase. Both I would perform on a Friday. Be sure that you're performing your work under the most propitious Moon Phase for your purpose. If you're drawing an influence to you, it's best to do your spell under the Waxing Moon (from New to Full). If you want to remove or let go of something in your life, it's best to do that type of work under the Waning Moon (from Full to New), and perform your spells on the most suitable days of the week. Refer to our How To Do A Spell instruction page for more info.
Why did my spell not have the outcome I wanted?
There could be several causes. One, that you doubted the possibility of the outcome too much. Or on some level you didn't think you deserved the result, thus blocking it. Or it wasn't performed according to the instructions. Or you were distracted and didn't put your full attention into it.
Sometimes a spell can be a catalyst in your life to bring forth the issue that must be resolved first before you can get to the original desired goal. So in fact it did work, but you still have some work to do prior.
Can a person become addicted to doing Love spells?
We've all been there. Sometimes we desperately want to continue an unhealthy relationship that really should end. Constantly doing spells will most likely get you only temporary results, requiring on-going workings. This can become an unhealthy addiction. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide when you are ready to move on. It is progress and part of your learning process. Take some time for self-introspection and healing to prepare you for drawing your life-long mate to you.
What does the pentagram symbol mean?
The five points represent, put simply, the four elements, Earth, Air, Fire, Water and the Spirit. Pentagrams can be empowered for a specific purpose such as protection.
Is it bad to get a Tarot reading or do a spell?
No. There is nothing evil or 'bad' about getting a reading. Just because something is 'occult' or unseen does not mean it is not scientific. There are many theories on how the Tarot works, but I find the simplest explanation is this; when you shuffle or handle the cards, they interpret through their symbolism what information lies in your sub-conscious and auric field. Since our mind and spirit are limitless and already knows what probable events may occur if we pursue any one life path, the cards simply give you clarity as to the best decisions for you to make. During your reading, there may also be present your spirit guides or guardians the lend their love and support to guide you in the best possible direction. What's in the cards is not always set in stone. You have the power to influence the future outcome.
A little more about Love Spells, Voodoo Spells, Witchcraft Spell Rituals and Magickal Rituals performed on your behalf at Freya’s House.
The Love Spells, Voodoo Spells and Voodoo Rituals performed on your behalf offered on Freya’s House website are quick Voodoo rituals to affect specific changes in your life. Our showcased Love Spells, Voodoo Spells and Voodoo Rituals are for normal situations: if your situation is very complicated, long-term interferences, or involve spiritual attacks and other outside interferences, our Love Spells, Voodoo Spells and Voodoo Rituals will help, but probably will not undo all the long-term damage. Other more intense and lengthier Custom Voodoo Spells are available for such complicated cases – please schedule a consultation to review the details of your case if you feel your situation falls into this category. For those that are working within the normal bell-curve of life’s challenges within your relationship or situation, these Love Spells, Voodoo Spells and Voodoo Rituals are a perfect solution!
Let us address the number one question we receive about our Love Spells, Voodoo Spells and Voodoo Rituals: TIME FRAMES! How long for Love Spells, Voodoo Spells and Voodoo Rituals to manifest results and the answer is: it depends upon the complexity of your personal situation and the amount of damage or interference within your relationship or situation and how truthful you are about your situation initially – every situation is unique and therefore, timing always varies. We have found however, results for most Love Spells, Voodoo Spells and Voodoo Spell Rituals typically manifest within 2-8 weeks. Rarely is a situation or relationship fixed overnight, please remember, your relationship or situation did not deteriorate overnight either – that took time to dissolve and misalign with all parties involved participating in the deterioration. You must give all Love Spells, Voodoo Spells and Voodoo Rituals time to align and rebalance, please have faith and patience during the rituals.
Anyone who tries to claim their Love Spells, Voodoo Spells, Witchcraft Spells or Magic Spells can fix your relationship or situation overnight, or guarantee results within 48 hours or any other outlandish claim is lying and preying upon your emotional grief and desperation – period. Please bear that in mind no matter how badly you need to hear those words, or desperately want to believe all will be resolved in a day – it won’t and to think so is unrealistic. Love Spells, Magic Spells, Voodoo Spells, and Ritual work simply does not operate within human concepts of instant gratification, quick fix and magic beans; it is a process of untangling, realigning, healing, evolving and maneuvering the energies at play to affect these changes for the best possible outcomes.
Voodoo Spells, Love Spells and Spiritual rituals ALWAYS HELPS any situation and well worth the time and energy! Whether it be to push you through a major transformation for growth, evolve your consciousness & awareness, or move you forward from something, or someone which no longer serves the greater good in your life, release needless attachments, trauma, destructive behaviors, and negativity you are clinging to, or placing you on a more beneficial path: all Love Spells, Voodoo Spells and Spiritual work produce enormous benefit! The Divine Voodoo Spirits (or any Deity for that matter) know so much more than we could ever, so you must trust their intercession and timing on matters to insure the most beneficial alignment for you.
When our highly experienced, initiated Priests or Priestesses at Freya’s House perform your Love Spells, Voodoo Spells, Magick Rituals or any Custom rituals, they are petitioning your requests/desires/prayers in a formal ritual on your behalf based upon the details and materials you provide. Our practitioners work with the appropriate Lwa’s (Divine Vodou spirits) to intercede and bring forth the outcome you are seeking, using the sacred tools and powerful ritual techniques, as passed down in the Magickal traditions for thousands of years. Our clients have experienced fantastic results – please read our testimonials page to learn about their experiences – and those that had the fastest results, are those that put forth the most efforts into their Love Spells, Voodoo Spells, and Magick Ritual.